Pathogen testing is conducted using PCR (polymerase chain reaction), an incredibly accurate and sensitive detection system requiring only 1 pathogenic cell in a sample for a positive result, even in complex matrices.  Offered in both BAX® and Gene-Up® platforms with next day results.

Quantitative microbiological enumerations are conducted using either Petrifilm™ or TEMPO® for fast, consistent, and reliable results.  Time to results is 1 to 3 days depending on the analyte. 

The quality and safety of your products is of the utmost importance.  Developing and relying on a well-designed HACCP-like program which includes testing both product and environmental swabs for pathogens and indicator organisms in a frequent and purposeful way will help ensure the quality and safety of your products. 

Because pathogens can cause illness when present at even extremely low levels of 10 to 50 cells, regulating agencies such as USDA and FDA have zero tolerance policies for adulterating pathogens in products.  Therefore, if your product is at risk for carrying pathogens, it is vital that pathogen testing occur in a frequent, representative, and meaningful manner. 

Microbiological quantitative tests are used to enumerate indicator organisms in both the processing environment and in products.  Baselines which identify out-of-spec product can then be developed.

Our expertise, accurate & advanced testing methods, and quick turnaround times allows you to conduct the microbiological testing portion of your HACCP-like program in a comprehensive and painless manner.