Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide registered for use in various agricultural and non-agricultural settings. Agricultural use sites include glyphosate-resistant (transgenic) crops such as canola, corn, cotton, soybean, and sugar beet. Non-agricultural use sites include residential areas, turf, rights of ways, and aquatic areas.
One international organization (the International Agency for Research on Cancer) concluded that glyphosate may be a carcinogen, while several others, including the European Food Safety Authority and the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/World Health Organization (WHO) Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR), have determined that it is unlikely to be a carcinogen.
However, not everyone agrees with the EPA’s conclusion on glyphosate. A number of cities, counties and even one U.S. state have issued bans, restrictions or warnings on glyphosate as a result of the ongoing health concerns.
Analyte | California Proposed Limit* | EPA Limit in Humans | EPA Limit in Drinking Water | EWG Recommended |
*Colorado limit not established |