Background: This analysis is used as a determination of the amount of total, or crude, fat in a sample, calculated and expressed in %.
Turn Around Time
Sample Required
Type of Test
Reportable Units
Measurement Range
Related Resource
AOAC 991.36-Soxtec Solvent Extraction ISO Accredited
5 Business Days
About 3 grams is analyzed from a homogenized sample
Solvent Extraction
% Fat
Lower Detection Limit: 0.1 % Fat
Analysis Description: Petroleum ether, a solvent, is used to extract soluble matter, crude fat, from samples of various, complex matrices.
Samples to be analyzed are weighted into thimbles and inserted into the Extraction Unit. After solvent addition to the extraction cups, the soluble material is extracted into the solvent in a two stage processed followed by solvent recovery cycle. Finally the extraction cups are dried and weighed, and a percentage of the total fat in the sample is calculated and reported.